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"You’re an artist, you’ve got an amazing eye for what makes a good shot.  You’re passionate about theatre, and that translates into you being able to take the most generous and supportive images of a show.  They’re very dramatic, very theatrical, I always feel like you got [the shot].  There’s an empathy, an emotional intelligence around the photography and they’re very stylish."

     - Natalie Ibu, artistic director & joint CEO Northern Stage

two large screens show a black and white image, a close-up of a hand resting on a white surface.  In between the screens and dwarfed by their size, a photographer is sat, making images of a dancer lying curled on a table.

Find Your Eyes | Manchester International Festival | Benji Reid

Play scene - an actress plays Aretha Franklin, standing in the red light of a recording studio with arms raised, she sings.  A screen to her right shows a transmission of a 60s TV presenter in black and white.

Best of Enemies | Young Vic | Dir. Jeremy Herrin

Theatre play scene - actress playing a young girl sits atop a curvy climbing frame, arms spread wide, face full of delight as she looks up at a handful of feathers floating down above and around her.

Protest | Northern Stage| Dir. Natalie Ibu

Play scene. A woman and young man sit next to each other at a dining table; both are looking at someone

The White Card | Northern Stage| Dir. Natalie Ibu

Scene from a play. A young woman sits on a low armchair, a notebook open on her lap. She appears to be talking to someone off camera.

Invisible Man | Northern Stage | Dir. Anna Girvan

Theatre play scene - 4 young women kneel/crouch, one in front, hand to her chest, the other three spread slightly behind her, all looking up/forward in their own directions, possibly distressed.

I, Lord | Response Ability Theatre| Dir. Nell Bailey

Play scene. A man leans over a road sign, its name removed so it reads only "Road".  He, the sign and a nearby dustbin are lit only by a burning match which he holds in front of the sign.

Road | Northern Stage| Dir. Natalie Ibu

A woman sits at a table, one arm across her chest, the other holding a cigarette; she looks off to the left.

Best of Enemies | Young Vic | Dir. Jeremy Herrin

A young woman in a black top and gold skirt plays an electric guitar and sings into a mic with her eyes closed.    The background is dark, and there is a gold sheen about her.

Nadia Javed - The Tuts |The Kominas and Friends |The Old Blue Last

Play scene: a girl stands at the mic in the spotlight, one hand holding the stand, the other her mobile phone down by her side. She has a neutral expression, and  is looking up and off to the left.  Around her lie many other young people, playing dead.

This Show Is A Gift | Yard Theatre | Yard Youth

Theatre play scene - low lit with mainly shadows and silhouettes, and deep red lighting, three actresses playing young girls sit still on various parts of the set, a large curvy climbing frame, shaped like a backward S on its face.

Protest | Northern Stage| Dir. Natalie Ibu

A young man in a sweatshirt and stonewash jeans sits on the edge of a low platform, gazing forlornly outwards.

Kabul Goes Pop: Music Television Afghanistan | Brixton House | Dir. Anna Himali Howard

On the left, a model poses with arms raised  wearing a tall hat, and silver objects that look like wings.  to the right, a large screen shows an image of the same model, taken a moment earlier, a different pose. The photographer sits, checking the image.

Find Your Eyes | Manchester International Festival | Benji Reid

Play scene. A woman in an over-sized shirt and with long braids points and looks at a board displaying various images and documents.

The White Card | Northern Stage| Dir. Natalie Ibu

Play scene. A young woman in a matching pink dress and jacket stands sideways on to the camera, with a deep black background.  She is addressing someone out of frame.

Best of Enemies | Young Vic | Dir. Jeremy Herrin

Play scene. A young man in tracksuit bottoms and a white singlet stands in front of a seemingly burnt wooden structure, making gun shapes with his hands.

good dog | tiata fahodzi/Watford Palace Theatre | Dir. Natalie Ibu

A play scene. Two women stand, divided by the door that one is opening, and which the other stands outside of, waiting to be let in.  The image is split in two by the set, the left background being completely black, and the right is cream.

seeds | tiata fahodzi | Dir. Anastasia Osei-Kuffour

Play scene: two lovers sit up in bed, partially dressed and looking intently at each other; the older man is topless and covered with a bed-sheet to his waist while the younger wears shorts and an open shirt, his arm on the headboard.

Best of Enemies | Young Vic | Dir. Jeremy Herrin

A woman sits on a tiled floor (on a stage), her legs wide with knees bent, and arms resting on her knees.  She is holding a script and speaking while looking sideways at the audience.

Sonya Hale, Playwright: A Celebration of Her Work | Clean Break/Royal Court Theatre

Play scene. A woman and man sit on an L-shaped sofa, both watching something off screen; her shoulders are hunched and her hands are thrown up almost in a wince of anticipation, and he looks surprised.

The White Card | Northern Stage | Dir. Natalie Ibu

Play scene. A young man stands on a darkened staged, lit from just above.  He has thrown up a chip wrapper, and in the light above him there is a small cloud of glitter or confetti which he looks up at as it falls.

Road | Northern Stage | Dir. Natalie Ibu

Play scene. Three men gather, all dressed formally, listening to a call from a rotary phone held between two of them.  They are unimpressed by what they hear.

Best of Enemies | Young Vic | Dir. Jeremy Herrin

Play scene: a young woman buys a meal from a fish and chip stand

Road | Northern Stage | Dir. Natalie Ibu

Play scene. A young man sits, one leg dangling, on the corner of a tall wooden structure, it's wooden frame shows fire damage.  A smoky light falls on him, and he is talking to the audience.

good dog | tiata fahodzi/Watford Palace Theatre | Dir. Natalie Ibu

A play scene: a young couple sit on adjacent bean bags, the young woman chatting animatedly while the young man looks over at her, listening.  In the background is a bank of TV screens showing repeated  tiles of album covers from the 90s.

Kabul Goes Pop: Music Television Afghanistan | Brixton House | Dir. Anna Himali Howard

Play scene.  A choir, all dressed in similar shades of blue, sing enthusiastically.

Electric Belles Christmas Show | Brixton Jamm

Play scene: Two women in a set of a living room, one stands on a pile of books, her mouth covered in shock, the other confronts her from the side.

seeds | tiata fahodzi | Dir. Anastasia Osei-Kuffour

Play Scene.  Andy Warhol sits at a table, seemingly pondering something and holding a Super 8 camera.

Best of Enemies | Young Vic | Dir. Jeremy Herrin

Play scene: A young woman stands side on to the camera, gazing at someone off camera.  She wears a butterfly-patterned long sleeve t-shirt and cargo pants, and a long black scarf is wrapped around her neck, the front end falling beyond her waist.

Kabul Goes Pop: Music Television Afghanistan | Brixton House | Dir. Anna Himali Howard

4 characters stand, each to their own space, across a stage.  They all are looking outward, toward the audience, and are lit from behind by a red, smoky light.

Invisible Man | Northern Stage | Dir. Anna Girvan

Play scene.  The set of the play Road, showing us the inside of a number of interconnected houses, both their downstairs and upstairs, with characters in each.  In front of the house, the play's narrator looks out at the audience, arms wide in welcome.

Road | Northern Stage | Dir. Natalie Ibu

Play scene.  A priest, carrying a mug that reads "I heart Jesus", stands, laughing as they speak.

Invisible Man | Northern Stage | Dir. Anna Girvan

Play scene: A man and a woman in a recording sound booth, she sits, smoking a cigarette, while he stands slightly behind and to one side, his arms crossed.  Behind them is a bank of switches and a lit "On Air" sign.

Best of Enemies | Young Vic | Dir. Jeremy Herrin

Low light theatre play scene - a priest stands partly in shadow, partly in a beam of light; closer to camera, two young women stand, one holding a sheet of paper, the other looking down, both out of focus and in shadow.

I, Lord | Response Ability Theatre| Dir. Nell Bailey

Play scene: A man and a woman, music TV hosts, stand next to each other in front of a multi-sectioned large screen, doing the arm movements to a popular dance.  She is wearing a black hijab, he looks slightly embarrassed.

Kabul Goes Pop: Music Television Afghanistan | Brixton House | Dir. Anna Himali Howard

Play scene: a man stands, holding up a glass of wine/champagne, perhaps in a toast.  In the background to one side is a dinner table with half-empty dishes and wine glasses, and behind him on the wall is a framed description of a Basquiat painting.

The White Card | Northern Stage| Dir. Natalie Ibu

A woman stands, eyes wide and one hand raised in emphasis, the other is by her side, holding a script.  There is a background of painted clouds.

Sonya Hale, Playwright: A Celebration of Her Work | Clean Break/Royal Court Theatre

Play scene.  A suited, seated man listens intently to someone off camera.

Best of Enemies | Young Vic | Dir. Jeremy Herrin

Play scene. A girl stands at a mic, looking up and off to the right, one hand vaguely pointing towards the camera.

This Show Is A Gift | Yard Theatre | Yard Youth

Play scene: A young man, using his hand as a phone, shouts into the receiver.  Behind him, a multi-sectioned large screen is bright with the name of the show he presents, Vox.

Kabul Goes Pop: Music Television Afghanistan | Brixton House | Dir. Anna Himali Howard

Play scene.  A group of people all reach out in different directions as part of a dance.

Babylon Beyond Borders | Bush Theatre | Dir. Ruthie Osterman

Play scene:  A set of a living room.  Two women stand, both facing the audience, one looking shocked, the other distressed.  On the wall in the background, there is a large painted portrait of the son of one of the women.

seeds | tiata fahodzi | Dir. Anastasia Osei-Kuffour

Play scene: A woman dressed in a rich golden yellow jump suit sits next to a man in a button up blue shirt and formal black trousers who holds a glass of wine and looks intensely at her, while she looks down unhappily.  In the background a young man sits.

The White Card | Northern Stage| Dir. Natalie Ibu

A young boy wears one of the costumes from the show - a hat with fox ears.  He smiles directly into the camera, his hands held together in front of him.  Others in the background engage with other

The Cunning Vixen relaxed performance | English National Opera

Theatre play scene - three actresses playing young girls, dressed in school uniforms, triumphantly hold up signs reading "our special home", "I'm a girl - hear me roar" and "Show racism the red card".

Protest | Northern Stage| Dir. Natalie Ibu

Play scene.  A set of a living room.  Two women stand, one silent and miserable on a stack of telephone directories, as the other speaks passionately to her.

seeds | tiata fahodzi | Dir. Anastasia Osei-Kuffour

Play scene: a man holding a portion of chips sits, spot-lit in the dark, on a barely visible dustbin, leaning on a broken road sign which now reads only "Road", though his body covers the last two letters from view.

Road | Northern Stage | Dir. Natalie Ibu

Play scene.  A young James Baldwin stands, whisky and cigarette in his hands, looking thoughtful, mid-speech.

Best of Enemies | Young Vic | Dir. Jeremy Herrin

Play scene.  A worker in a hi-vis jacket points something out to a homeless man with a sleeping bag slung over one shoulder and a can of beer in the other hand.

Invisible Man | Northern Stage | Dir. Anna Girvan

Play scene: A young woman (Aretha Franklin) stands alone, her hair and shoulders lit red from above, her hands held together in front of her; she looks off to the right with a calm, possibly somber expression.

Best of Enemies | Young Vic | Dir. Jeremy Herrin

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